Jericho was pulled from a shelter in early 2019 after a BSR volunteer spotted him. Although he was estimated to be around 7 years old, he had the energy and wildness of a young pup! He was quickly nicknamed the flying squirrel since he bounced off the walls in his foster home. Training was clearly a necessity for this wild man! He did settle down in time and learned inside manners, as well as crate training, and even some off-leash commands. Jericho did have horrible ear infections when he was taken in and was very reactive to being touched around his ears. But, with consistent care and treatment, he began to enjoy a life without pain! Mostly, he loved people and enjoyed doing just about anything with his fosters.
Charlie (formerly Jericho) 1148- by Greg & Jan Poppe
2021 Update
Charlie has been with us a little over 2 years, coming to us in late March of 2019. He is incredibly sweet and yet one of the oddest dogs we have ever had! Some of that oddness is good and some of it is separation anxiety and corresponding behavior.
We don't know his backstory but think he had limited interaction for play, and playing is still a challenge for him, but as you can see by the pictures, he absolutely loves his Dino. He doesn't care to play ball or fetch but he does love his Dino. He doesn't like to go for walks; but just wants to hang with us. See what we mean by odd?
We worked with a local trainer for several months and have certainly made progress, especially around his food fixation. He loves kongs, chicken and just about anything he can fit in his mouth. It doesn't even have to be food, if it's out and available, it's his!
We still have our struggles but Charlie knows he is in his forever home.