BSR Alum "Oakley" by Laura Oxford
BSR Oakley came into care as a dog that had had her share of litters then some, and who had never known indoors life. She was scared of most people, especially men, but in foster care became more outgoing. With time and attention she began to blossom and even learned what toys were for! She was adopted out in 2017 and her adopter sends this update:
August 2019 Update:
We like to refer to Ms. Oakley as Ms. Annie Oakley, She is enjoying her wonderful life. She is Mama's shadow and does not wander to0 far from Mama. She loves her sister Ms. Mollie, and sleeps side by side for naps and bedtimes. Oakley is still very skittish and is scared of most people. If you are here for a few days then she may come and play ball with you.... MAYBE.
When she first came to live with us, it took almost the good part of a year, until she understood her daddy was not going to hurt her. Now if Mom is busy, well she will go sit with dad in his chair.
She loves to chase the squirrels and birds in her yard with Mollie. She loves to just sit out in the yard on the patio, and sniff with her nose in the air. Or she will sit there and just bark to here herself! Oakley is beyond the word "spoiled" and is enjoying her new life.
We would not want her any other way. We absolutely love and adore her. She and Mollie are “ Our GIRLS “
We like to refer to Ms. Oakley as Ms. Annie Oakley, She is enjoying her wonderful life. She is Mama's shadow and does not wander to0 far from Mama. She loves her sister Ms. Mollie, and sleeps side by side for naps and bedtimes. Oakley is still very skittish and is scared of most people. If you are here for a few days then she may come and play ball with you.... MAYBE.
When she first came to live with us, it took almost the good part of a year, until she understood her daddy was not going to hurt her. Now if Mom is busy, well she will go sit with dad in his chair.
She loves to chase the squirrels and birds in her yard with Mollie. She loves to just sit out in the yard on the patio, and sniff with her nose in the air. Or she will sit there and just bark to here herself! Oakley is beyond the word "spoiled" and is enjoying her new life.
We would not want her any other way. We absolutely love and adore her. She and Mollie are “ Our GIRLS “