Gage entered Boykin Spaniel Rescue's (BSR) care after a traumatic back injury and disk rupture. Upon evaluation by a neurologist, it was determined that the time between injury and treatment in addition to the lack of deep pain response/neural reflex did not make him a candidate for successful surgery. BSR took him in as a Permanent Foster Care (PFC) dog, and an amazing foster who already had another paralyzed Boykin Rescue dog in care said, "heck...what's one more...we know what to expect." Gage was also heartworm positive, so that would have to be treated as well. While the ins and outs of tending to a dog with no back end control were familiar--teaching it to use a wheelchair, working on front end strength, and dealing with the inevitable housetraining accidents-- Gage had a trick up his sleeve that astounded us all! On Easter weekend, about 4 months after his injury, Gage began exhibiting a phenomenon known as "spinal walking," in which the body still has no deep pain sensation or ability to control its back limbs, but nevertheless, the "muscle memory" in the dog allows it to stand and more or less "walk." Most of the time, this looks like a drunken sailor with a very clumsy gait, but Gage added his own twist...and soon he wasn't just spinal walking but also spinal RUNNING!! Gage continues to amaze us and his BSR foster family makes sure he gets the best care ever!